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August 06, 2011
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The Economics of Corporate Responsibility – A New Model Redefining Externalities

Traditional economics requires firms to take certain items into account and treat others as externalities. ResponsibilityWorksin an effort to put the Corporate Responsibility Officers Association’s data, practices, and insights to work for government, ensuring that government and its contractors can also do well by doing good—is promoting how corporate responsibility redefines externalities with a new economic model.


To change the world, change California or change Wal-Mart…or the US Federal Government

California and Wal-Mart are recognized as having far-reaching influence on our lives. California has one of the world’s largest economies. Wal-Mart’s supply chain spans huge swaths of the world economy. The US Federal government has even greater reach and impact. This is why the mission of ResponsibilityWorks is to foster and evolve corporate responsibility practices, measures, and disclosure in the government contractor community.  This will help to drive transparency and accountability across the board. 

ResponsibilityWorks Calls Upon Government & Industry to Lead the Way to a New Responsible Economy

The people of the United States are demanding increasing levels of transparency and accountability from their government and the companies with which it does business. President Obama has responded with a historic commitment to bringing more transparency and integrity to the way his Administration conducts itself and how it interacts with its business partners. 

In keeping with these principles, the Corporate Responsibility Officers Association (CROA) has created ResponsibilityWorks, a Government Roundtable that has convened sixty leaders of companies, government agencies, nonprofits, and academia committed to improving transparency and responsibility among contractors.

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